Traditional Thai Massage administers acupressure to specific points along the body's meridian lines. This releases muscle tension, can often relieve pain and clears energy blockages. Long used to promote the free flow of energy throughout the body, this massage contributes to an overall sense of wellbeing and is an indispensible component of Thai Therapy. Koh Feel's unique service combines Thai Yoga style stretching with pressure point reflexology. We will vary our style to suit your wishes – Not too hard, not too soft ideal for your first visit to us.
ServiceDeep Tissue & Remedial Massage
Remedial Deep Tissue Massage is aimed at stimulation of the deeper tissue structures of the muscle and fascia also called connective tissue. This utilizes some of the same movements and techniques as Swedish massage but is more intense as more pressure is applied to try to release knots or chronic muscle tension.
ServiceSwedish Relaxation
Swedish/Relaxation Massage provides a gentle relaxing massage designed to eliminate physical tension within the body restoring energy flow and promoting increased blood circulation. We can relieve stress and tension from a busy life or just maintain your already healthy life-style.
ServiceReflexology Foot Massage
Thai Foot Reflexology applies therapeutic pressure to specific points on the soles of the feet again restoring free flow of energy throughout the body. A fabulous option for tired or aching feet!